Sunday, April 22, 2012

the five aspects of divinity within Gaudiya Vaishnavism

                                    jaya śrī-kṛṣṇa-caitanya prabhu-nityānanda,
                           śrī-advaita gadādhara śrīvāsādi-gaura-bhakta-vṛnda
"I bow down to Lord Krishna, who appears as a devotee (Lord Chaitanya), as His personal expansion (Sri Nityananda), His incarnation (Sri Advaita), His devotee (Sri Srivasa), and His energy (Sri Gadadhara), and who is the source of strength for the devotees." (Chaitanya Charitamrita Adi 1.14)

Within the Gaudiya tradition a mantra formed from the names of the five members of the Pancha Tattva is often spoken or sung as a means of devotional worship or meditation (japa). Often this mantra is sung or chanted prior to the Hare Krishna mantra. It is believed by followers to be the most merciful mantra available in this age of Kali.

Pancha Tattva (Devanagari: पञ्चतत्त्व; IAST: pañca-tattva, from Sanskrit pañca meaning "five" and tattva "truth" or "reality") in the Gaudiya Vaishnava tradition refers specifically to the Five aspects of God or Absolute Truth.

  • Chaitanya Mahaprabhu is said to be Krishna Himself, The Supreme Person (Svayam Bhagavan).
  • Nityananda is Krishna's first personal expansion.
  • Advaita Acharya is a combined incarnation of Lord Vishnu & Lord Shiva (Harihara).
  • Gadadhara is an incarnation of Krishna's internal energy.
  • Srivasa is Krishna's pure devotee.

  • From 'Sri Nabadwip Dham Mahatmya:'
    All glories to Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu, the son of Sachi. All glories to Sri Nityananda Prabhu, the life and soul of Jahnava-devi. All Glories to Nabadwip-dham, the topmost of holy places, where Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu appeared in the age of Kali.

    Nityananda Prabhu said, "Listen to My words: Nabadwip, the holy land of Sri Chaitanya, is non-different from Vrindavan, the holy land of Sri Krishna. Measuring thirty-two miles in circumference, Nabadwip consists of nine islands, which form an eight-petalled lotus that floats on the waters of the Ganges. Eight of the islands form the eight petals of the lotus, and the center of that lotus is the ninth island called Antardwip.

    "The centre of Antardwip is Mayapur. Within Mayapur is the eternal sphere of influence known as Yogapith, the divine birthplace of Sri Chaitanya and eternal pleasure-ground of His Pastimes. As Sri Chaitanya, the Supreme Lord Krishna appears in the role of His own devotee, He comes as the original Guru in the form of Nityananda Prabhu, and as the devotee-avatar, Advaita. Krishna appears as His devotional energy, Gadadhar, and as His follower, Srivas. These five features of Godhead are known as Pancha-tattva, or the Five Great Truths. Within the birthplace of Sri Chaitanya known as the Yogapith, the Pancha-tattva have Their seat, thus the Yogapith is the holiest of all holy places. The circumference of Mayapur is three and a half miles, and its diameter about one and a quarter miles."

    Nityananda Prabhu continued, "Very soon, by the will of the Lord, this entire area will be submerged under the waters of the Ganges. Later, again by His will, this holy land will be revealed once more in all its glory. The holy land is eternal. It can never be lost, but it is sometimes hidden and sometimes visible. In this way, the appearance and disappearance of the divine abode of the Lord are like the rising and setting of the sun.
    "Sri Chaitanya, My worshipable Lord, resides eternally in Mayapur on the east bank of the Ganges. In the eyes of the common people, the Lord took sannyas, left Nabadwip, and went elsewhere, but actually Sri Chaitanya never leaves Mayapur or Nabadwip. Only devotees can perceive His daily Pastimes. You too, Jiva, will see the dancing Pastimes of Sri Chaitanya. Mayapur is on the island of Antardwip, where Lord Brahma was able to see Sri Chaitanya. O Jiva, if you want to see all these things, it will be fruitful for you to make a pilgrimage here."
    Jiva Goswami, upon hearing the words of Lord Nityananda Prabhu, fell at the Lord's feet with tears in his eyes and said, "You will show real mercy to this poor soul if You take me with You on a pilgrimage of the holy places of Nabadwip Dham." Hearing the plea of Jiva Goswami, Nityananda Prabhu said, "So be it. Today, Jiva, you shall see Mayapur and tomorrow, we will visit other places and tour more extensively."
    With these words Nityananda Prabhu arose, and Jiva followed behind Him, his heart filled with joy. Nityananda Prabhu moved slowly, His body transported by Divine Love (Gaura-prema). The enchanting figure of Nityananda Prabhu, covered with golden ornaments and moved by waves of spiritual emotion, glittered and shone. The lotus feet of Nityananda Prabhu, which could not be attained by Brahma and Siva in their divine meditation, were mercifully bestowed upon Jiva Goswami. Following behind Nityananda Prabhu, Jiva Goswami took the dust from His lotus feet and, anointing himself with it, walked on with great eagerness.
    They reached the home of Jagannath Misra. As Nityananda Prabhu entered the house, He introduced Jiva Goswami to Sri Sachimata saying, "O Mother, here is Sri Jiva. He is a high-minded soul and a dear servant of Sri Chaitanya who is extremely fortunate." As Nityananda Prabhu spoke, Jiva fell over like a tree uprooted by a storm. Falling at Sachidevi's feet and unable to speak, his body exhibited uncontrollable symptoms of ecstasy.
    Out of her mercy Sachimata blessed him. That afternoon, in the house of Jagannath Misra, Nityananda Prabhu and Jiva Goswami accepted prasada. Vishnupriya-devi, on the order of Sachimata, cooked different kinds of rice, vegetables, chutneys, and sweets. Vamsivadana Thakur carefully offered bhoga to the Deity of Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu. Isana Thakur, the old servant of Jagannath Misra's family who had been staying there since Nimai Pandit had taken sannyas, happily served Nityananda Prabhu prasadam.
    Out of motherly affection, Sachidevi told Nityananda Prabhu, "Eat Your rice, my child! You are at Your mother's house now. Unseen by You, Nimai has already taken His lunch. If You will also eat Your lunch, it will make me very happy." Hearing the motherly words of Sachidevi, Nityananda Prabhu enjoyed His lunch with great delight, and Jiva Goswami honoured His remnants.
    Jiva Goswami said, "I feel blessed to have the good fortune of taking prasadam in the home of Sri Chaitanya in Mayapur." After lunch Nityananda Prabhu took His leave of Sachidevi's holy feet and took Vamsivadana Thakur with Him. Jiva Goswami offered his respects to Vamsivadana's lotus feet, and Nityananda Prabhu explained to Jiva Goswami, "The devotees know that Vamsivadana is Krishna's own dear flute, by whose mercy souls are attracted to Krishna and thirstily drink the highest mellows of devotion.
    "Look, Jiva. In this house Sri Chaitanya would take us in and we would perform wonderful pastimes. Just see—this is the temple of Jagannath Misra, where he used to do his daily worship of Vishnu. In this house he served his guests. There is the Tulasi bower. While he was still in this house, he performed all the duties his own father had done before him. Relying on the authoritative directions of Vamsivadana Thakur, Isana now performs those duties every day. Here there once grew a neem tree. It disappeared by the divine touch of Sri Chaitanya."
    As He described this, Nityananda Prabhu wept in separation and Vamsivadana also wept. Just then, Srivas Thakur approached out of curiosity. When he saw the party of devotees he joined them, and the four of them left the home of Jagannath Misra. Together, they walked two hundred meters south, until they came to the courtyard of Srivas Thakur known as Srivasangam. There Sri Chaitanya used to perform kirttan. With His mind filled with transcendental pleasure, Nityananda Prabhu showed the house of Srivas to Jiva Goswami, who became overwhelmed with ecstasy as he remembered the Pastimes of the Lord.
    There Sri Chaitanya used to perform kirttan. With His mind filled with transcendental pleasure, Nityananda Prabhu showed the house of Srivas to Jiva Goswami, who became overwhelmed with ecstasy as he remembered the Pastimes of the Lord. As Jiva gradually recovered, he had a vision of one of the Lord's Pastimes. Sri Chaitanya was dancing with His intimate devotees. In that great kirttan party he witnessed with joy the unprecedented dancing of Advaita Acharya, Nityananda Prabhu, Gadadhar Pandit and Haridas Thakur, who sang sweetly as they danced. The great devotee Suklambara danced and was accompanied by hundreds of other devotees who also danced blissfully. Seeing this, Jiva lost consciousness in the ecstasy of Divine Love.
    Inside this compound is Srivasangan, Advaita Bhavan, and Gadadhar Angan. As you enter the gate, the main temple is on the right side and stands right where Srivas Pandit's house was located.
    Here Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu perform private kirttan with his most intimate associates.
    Lord Nityananda Prabhu and Lord Chaitanya Mahaprabhu leading the devotees in kirttan to protest the Chand Khazi's ban on kirttan. You can see the broken mrdanga since this is the place where the mrdanga was broken. Srivasangam is the centre of Lord Chaitanya's sankirttan Pastimes, just as the Yogapith is the centre of His childhood Pastimes.
    This is the depiction of the maha-prakasa Pastime of Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu where He revealed Himself as the Supreme Personality of Godhead. Lord Chaitanya sits on the throne as Gadadhar Pandit fans Him with a chamara and Lord Nityananda Prabhu holds an umbrella over His head.
    Advaita Bhavan
    These are the Deities in Advaita Bhavan. Seated is Sri Advaita Acharya praying for the descent of Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu who is standing to the right.
    Nityananda Prabhu tells Jiva Goswami: "Here is the house of Advaita Acharya, where the Vaishnavas used to meet to discuss Krishna. Here, Advaita Prabhu worshipped Krishna, and by His loud calls caused the treasure of Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu to descend into this world."
    Gadadhar Angan
    Sri Sri Gaur-Gadadhar:
    Lord Chaitanya Mahaprabhu (on the left) and Sri Gadadhar Pandit.
    For more nectarine  stories told by Nityananda Prabhu to Sri Jiva Goswami in 'Sri Nabadwip-Dham Mahatmya' and given in English in 'The Hidden Treasure of the Holy Dham Nabadwip'

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